Sunday, February 5, 2012

The One With the Superbowl

These are my thoughts on the SuperBowl. . .

I shouldn't have brought a jar of cheese dip to the party, and then eaten 3/4 of it and the whole bag of Frittos.

Any commercial with Betty White automatically wins for the best commercial, followed closely by anything done by VW.

For the last two years I have gone to the same party (shout out CD), and for the last two years I have called this one guy Ryan . . . his name is John. Next year, I must remember/call him by his name.

Football players have one job - just as all pro-athletes do. If your job is to catch a ball, catch the ball. If your job is to shoot a ball (in basketball - I know I'm switching sports here, but don't harsh my momentum) - don't miss free throws. You should be perfect at it - What else have you got to do with your time? - DO. BETTER.

On a completely unrelated topic, can anyone explain to me how Selena Gomez has managed to have a singing career. I heard her song, "I love you like a love song," today, and it struck me once again how STUPID it is. Besides the obvious - that the song title is redundant and unimaginative (I'm not sure that she would even understand these 3 syllable words), the lyrics themselves could have been written by a five year old with a crayon. I could have written better lyrics hanging upside-down and sleeping.

I suppose I am giving Selena too much credit by assuming she wrote the song. Judging by the auto-tune on that track and the fact that they used an alarm as half of the words (beep beep beep), all she did was pick the most ridiculous song that someone probably wrote as a joke, and then decided to speak the words into a microphone. The computer did the rest. When I get famous and become friends with Taylor Swift, I am going to have tell her not to be friends with Selena anymore. I know, I know, most of you think I despise TS, which I do. But I am thinking offensively. Everyone in Hollywood likes her, and naturally the media would pull up anything bad I have to say about her - so I have chosen the route of Frenemy. She just doesn't know it yet . . .

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