Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The One Where I Ate All the Candy Hearts

So you know when you are a kid, and your mom limits the amount of sugar you can have, and you never believe her when she says it's for your own good. And the assumption is that when you grow older and mature, you will know your own limits, therefore you won't need to be told by your mother to stop eating every piece of Valentine's Day candy, because obviously that is something an adult would be able to decipher. Well today I have discovered, I am not one such adult.

Today, the amount of sugar I consumed was astronomical. It's all a blur of chocolate hearts and crunch bars, ice cream and chocolate covered strawberries (this sounds much more romantic than it was, I assure you). I think I ate a sandwich somewhere around 12 - but I can't remember because around 1:30 I went into hyperglycemic shock. Sometimes this happens - I just get on a roll and enjoy eating so much that I can't stop . . . like the one time I ate a whole block of cheese and a snickers bar, then told my mom I felt fat . . . her response was, "No kidding, you just ate a whole block of cheese."

On another note, I wrote on Facebook the other day that I didn't receive enough compliments on my new outfit to justify the cost of it. I under sold myself. I did receive one comment. My boss, upon seeing my black and white striped jacket and red shirt, said, "Ah HOY Captain."

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