Saturday, February 4, 2012

The One Where I Shouldn't

The Top Eight Things I should probably stop doing, but likely won't (I couldn't think of ten).

1. Saying, “wad up playa” in a variety of different octaves to my co workers.

2. When vegetarians get really passionate about talking about being vegetarian - suddenly craving a steak, and making that comment aloud. (Not you AP)

3. Constructively criticizing men when they ask me out. Even though I say no, I feel like they should not leave empty handed. Though apparently saying, “work on yourself and then maybe a girlfriend will come along,” is not the most polite thing to say to a guy’s face. But I was smiling as I said it – Yay for positivity!

4. Judging my life’s events by how funny they would look written out as Facebook posts. . .

5. Thinking that all bald men look alike, because they are bald, and I just can’t get past that.

6. Using a space heater at work - because it's illegal - I love the thrill! And it's really, really cold.

7. Secretly using my neighbor’s washer and dryer in the basement. One day I’m going to get caught – or they’re going to break up because she’s found my unmentionables in his laundry . . .

8. Confusing the words message and massage. . . trust me, things get awkward. And it happens ALL the TIME.


  1. OMG!! I miss you! We have to do lunch or something soon! You are too funny! Oh, and number 4? I call that "facebookese." I am thinking of writing an academic paper about intrapersonal communication and thinking in facebookese.

  2. I love this Morgan. You are a fabulous writer and I really enjoy reading it! I also love that you took a little friends inspiration with the title of each post...nice idea! I miss you greatly in my life and by reading your facebook posts and now your blog, I feel like you are in my life again. I hope to see your pretty face soon! Love you

