Sunday, May 12, 2013

Life Lessons Learned from Nicholas Sparks' Movies

Whilst watching Safe Haven tonight, I reflected on all the Nicolas Sparks’ movies I have watched over the years. Through this moment of introspection I touched on how each one of them has left me with an interesting perspective.  Though incredibly similar in execution, each movie has profoundly impacted me in a different way.  A way I would very much like to share with all of you.
 1.     While watching "Safe Haven" I learned that if you work as a waitress in a small beach town, you will meet a hot widower who looks like Josh Duhamel, and therefore hit the jackpot. There were some other undertones about the trauma of abusive relationships, but this was my main take-away. 
 2.     In "The Notebook" I learned that some people have the truly terrible misfortune of having to choose between James Marsden and Ryan Gosling.  There are no words for how difficult a decision this must be.  I have been making a pro and con list for the last hour, and no one has pulled ahead.
 3.     A "Walk To Remember" showed me that it is ok to get married right out of high school, pending that someone in the marriage is going to die shortly after.  Otherwise, better not.
   4.     Message in a Bottle" taught me that no matter how much you love someone, it isn’t enough to keep everyone from dying in the end.
  5.     In "Last Song" I discovered that Miley Cyrus truly isn’t good enough for Liam Hemsworth, and they probably aren’t going to make it.  There was no real lasting message other than that.  Wait, I changed my mind.  I learned that raccoons will eat sea turtle eggs. BAM.
   6.     I discovered through "The Lucky One" that it is ok to love a stalker if and only if he is Zach Efron. 
 7.     "Dear John" taught me nothing, because I’m pretty sure Channing Tatum didn’t take his shirt off. I think all the ladies will agree with me when I say, “What’s the point?”
 8.     Non specific to movies I also discovered kissing is better in the rain, everyone in small North Carolina towns owns a row boat and bad people will most likely die . . . some good people too. . . but mostly bad. 
Thank you for taking this journey with me.  The moral of my own story is I watch too many horrible Nicolas Sparks’ films, but also think very highly of the casting choices in the male leads.

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