Tonight (Saturday) I spent the evening with the love of my
Usually presented to married couples by people who love them most, I was given my Kitchen
Aide mixer two years ago for Christmas (I guess nobody was feeling overly optimistic on my marriage prospects).
Though we don’t spend copious amounts of time together, when we do see each
other, it’s usually delicious.
This particular night as I whipped egg whites until they
became fluffy (this was news to be BTWs) I contemplated life’s biggest
mysteries. Like why are carbs so
delicious and does Lea Michelle work?
The first though was brought on by my recent venture into the world of gluten-free living. 5 days in, I don’t
hate it, but I also haven’t been staring down the barrel of a large pizza. When that day comes, my commitment
shall surely be tested.
The second I contemplated because I follow(ed) her on
Instagram, and I’m 100% certain all she does is travel to exotic places and have
people take pictures of her from behind.
I'm just saying, I count four "casual shots from behind," and two different trips in one screen shot. But I digress.
I'm just saying, I count four "casual shots from behind," and two different trips in one screen shot. But I digress.
I have started The Wheat Belly Diet by . . .well I can’t
remember who it is by. Anyways, in
an attempt to have some semblance of an enjoyable life, I am currently
whipping up a batch of essentially carbohydrate-free bread. I am almost 100% certain that is will
taste cardboard and small twigs.
But after laying on the couch for 10 hours straight today, I decided
there was nothing more exciting than dirtying every single pan and appliance in
my kitchen at 9:00 at night.
I just pulled this bark loaf out of the oven, and we are having a staring match as it cools. Who will blink first? What will it taste like? Why does it look a little like wet dog food? The adventure continues. . .
This is how I think when I am left alone for
too long.
I laughed the whole time... "Bark loaf" haha! How was it???