Obviously I haven't blogged in awhile. I'd like to formally apologize here and now to all of you who have been bothering me to do this over the last month. I should have been better. I did, however, acquire somewhat of a social life, which may be part of the reason for my radio silence. I know, it's odd for me too. In fact, I found socializing to be exhausting and realized the reason why I choose not to interact with other humans my age. But here is a quick over view of the highlights that were missed . . .
1. I went to Vegas for work. Having never been to Vegas this was an exciting moment for me. Of course, being there for work meant I had to be on my best behavior. Several of my co-workers, who had been to Vegas before, knew what they were doing with that gambling business and tried their hand at some tables. When asked if I was going to participate, I answered, "If I am going to put $100.00 down, I am going to get a pair of shoes back." My philosophy in life. I also got told I looked like a James Bond accessory. Obviously I have the look and intimidation quality of a spy.
2. I celebrated a birthday. It was no major milestone, just another year older. I had a fantastic weekend with my friends from college. One of them brought me a baby. Pretty awesome birthday present huh? Yeah, I decided for the sake of the child to give it back to it's mother. . . for all of you concerned parents out there, no one ACTUALLY gave me a child. It was my friend's child, she brought it, for me to see, but not to keep. Apparently people get very attached when the kid is actually theirs.
3. I joined a kick ball league. This is obviously a shock to many of you. It is mind blowing to me as well. Having operated the majority of my life without being able to walk without smacking into things, this risk into organized sports was a big one. As it turns out, I truly excel at this game. Granted the first time I played I pulled every muscle in my kicking leg, something I was not prepared for in elementary school. Usually I just wear a Hello Kitty shirt and stand in the outfield singing "She's a Maniac, MANIAC," while doing a little Flash Dance run and hip gyration, but sometimes, I help my team. All of those years of my sister kicking soccer balls at my head and forcing me to do college-level sprint work-outs with her finally paid off.